What We Believe

We believe the Bible is the inspired, infallible, entirely trustworthy Word of God, the only authority for faith, worship and conduct.

We believe that God is the Creator and Redeemer, eternally existent in the persons of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

We affirm the virgin birth, the sinless humanity and divine miracles of Jesus Christ, who died for the sins of all mankind, was buried, rose again and ascended into heaven from where He continues His ongoing mediatorial work. He will return to receive all believers to Himself.

We believe the Holy Spirit convicts men and women of sin, regenerates the believing sinner, indwells, fills, guides, instructs and empowers the believer to live a holy life. Through the impartation of spiritual gifts, as He wills, He enables the believer to live a life of service that is pleasing to God.

We believe that man, created in the image of God, fell into sin and consequently incurred both physical and spiritual death which is separation from God.

We believe that the salvation of lost and sinful humanity is found in none but Jesus Christ, His blood, righteousness, and resurrection, and is received by grace through faith.

We believe the church is a fellowship of all true believers who have been born again by the Holy Spirit into the family of God.

We believe that ultimately God will judge the living and the dead, those who are saved unto the resurrection of life, those who are lost until the resurrection of damnation.

We affirm marriage as God’s plan for the union of man and a woman.

EMCC Positional Documents
We are a part of the Evangelical Missionary Church of Canada, and as such the following documents further expand on our faith and how we follow Jesus.

Articles of Faith
Articles of Practice
Christ at the Centre
Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Assurance of the Believer