
This is a 4 week series on some Parables of Jesus from the gospel of Matthew. As we learn to listen with the ears of the first hearers it will help us learn what Jesus is teaching us for today about compassion, faithfulness, responsibility, the generosity of God, and the importance of living kingdom lives for God. We’ll be learning from stories about seeds, unforgiveness, vineyards, and evil farmers. May you discover how life changing the simple but deep stories from Jesus can be.

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PARABLES – Cornerstone

Are there people more important in the church than others? Are pastors or leaders better or entitled to more of God's kingdom? Jesus' parable of wicked farmers challenges the religious elite and shows that was building something new through Jesus....
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PARABLES – First, Last, Success

Who deserves more, the person who works hardest or longest. Who should have a greater role in God's kingdom? The parable of the vineyard reveals that God can bring all people into his kingdom, not just the successful or those...
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Mark 8 – A Tale of Two Blind Men

Sunday Service Video: Click Here Sermon Audio
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PARABLES – Unforgiving Servant

If you had your biggest debt forgiven what would you do? Today we look at a parable of Jesus where someone who had been forgiven a great debt refused to forgive others. Before we cast judgement we should be careful...
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PARABLES – Seeds, Soil, Word

Jesus taught in stories called parables. The things He talked about were often allegories for something deeper and to discover what He meant you have to look a little closer with a willingness to obey. Today we look at how...